A Woodblock Index, Woodblocks Carved by Annie Silverman Volume 1: 1999 - 2021
by Annie Silverman
"Many printmakers acknowledge the beauty of their print matrix - meaning the block, plate, stone,
stencil - often acclaimed as being 'better than the print!' Presented here is Annie Silverman's Woodblock
Index, a natural and significant honoring of her years of carving and using each matrix. She has
pulled a corresponding record from each block via simple black-and-white relief prints. These blocks
are well worn, as she has most ably used them in her print works in books and print installation,
demonstrating versatility, reuse, innovation. She knows each one in this index, and they are shown
here isolated and arresting in their startling graphicness and visual punch, yet part of her whole oeuvre."
- Karen Kunc
Professor Emeritus
University of Nebraska - Lincoln
In this inspiring book, Annie Silverman briefly discusses how she reuses her blocks to create images that dance with life, color and complexity, then shows prints of the individual blocks she created and used for 22 years. Comments on the inspiration for many of the images are included. Prints made by combining these blocks can be seen at Silverman's website, anniesilverman.com
Annie Silverman is a relief printmaker, book artist and teacher who for over 25 years has been creating experimental work with print installations, dimensional objects and books. In 2008 she formed ABRAZOS PRESS with Sandra Butler and Nina Wishnok at Miller St. in Somerville, MA, a small teaching and professional studio where workshops are routinely given in mixed media printmaking, improvisational woodcut and artists' books. She has also taught at Zea Mays, Penland School of Crafts, Pyramid Atlantic, and Mixit Studios. Her work has been exhibited nationally and internationally.
130pp, soft cover, 12" x 9" (30.48 x 22.86cm)
Shipping weight: 2 lb