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Carving Tools

Professional Quality Tools

Futatsu Wari Moku Hanga To

Highest Quality Hand Forged Carving Tools

Moku Hanga Nomi

Large Hand Forged Chisels and Gouges

Superior Quality Tools

Josei Moku Hanga To

Hand Forged Carving Tools

Standard Quality Tools

Namisei Moku Hanga To

Machine Forged Carving Tools, best value

Aogami Moku Hanga To NEW!

Machine Forged Carving Tools from Michihamono

Tool Sets

Professional Tool Sets

Namisei Moku Hanga To Sets

Aogami Four Tool Set

Specialty Tools

NT Stencil Cutter

Also cuts paper, wood and linoleum

Namisei Set of Four Tools, traditional set Namisei Set of Four Tools, traditional set - tips

Namisei Traditional Four Tool Set  Save 5%

  • Maru To 3.0 mm
  • Maru To 6.0 mm
  • Hira To 6.0 mm
  • Sho To 6.0 mm

This set is designed for people carving in the Japanese style instead of western- style. A Sho To (knife) is used to outline the image and a Hira To (straight chisel) to clear and make the Kento (registration marks) on the block. Maru To (u-gouges) clear away unwanted wood.

Comes wrapped in a bamboo carrier

*Left-handed set comes with Superior Sho To

5% Discount

If purchased individually, the price for the Right-handed Set would be $68.15. The price for the Left-handed Set would be $74.10.

  Price Enter Quantity
C2893R Right handed $64.74

C2893L Left handed $71.57

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